Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Swallow's Insect Powder 燕子飞虫粉


With this product it help to attract swallows, maintain swallows and rapidly increase of bird nests!!


As the baby swallows learn to fly, there are insects in the swallow house for them to eat. Even if the baby swallows leave the house, they will still fly back to their own swallow house to look for the insects. Therefore, we will successfully maintain our baby swallows and at the same time, they will also able to attract the wild swallows to come and eat the insects. This can increase the amount of swallows rapidly.


Function: Attract swallows, maintain swallows and rapidly increasing the bird's nest.

1) 首先准备 4000ml 的水 (容量等于两瓶大,两瓶小的矿泉水),然后把水放在炉火上煮至100 ˚C沸腾。

Simple Procedure
1) Prepare 4000ml (2 big n 2 small mineral water bottles)of water. Place the water into the kettle until it is boiled at 100 ˚C.

2) 然后把燕子飞虫粉与沸水倒进水桶里,再不停地搅拌,直到两个混合在一起。

2) Pour the insect powder and boiled water into a pail and stir continuously to mix the two ingredients together.

3) 等到不热后,才能把水桶拿进燕屋内。大约过了8至10天后,粉末就变成燕子的食物-飞虫。

3)Wait until the mixture cooled down, place the pail into the swallow house. Then powder will turn into moths (swallow's food) around 8-10 days.

4) 之后,每两个星期,如太干可加少许普通的清水。(不是热水)

4) After that, add some water every 2 weeks if too dry. (Just normal pure water in normal temperature)

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